961 70 14 79 AV. DEL MAR, 5. SUECA, VALENCIA hola@cafesgranell.es

Coffee beans

At Cafés Granell, we offer an excellent selection of high-quality coffee beans. We present you with the finest coffee beans from Colombia, Brazil, India, Jamaica, Hawaii, or Indonesia.

BUY COFFEE BEANS At Cafés Granell, you can purchase coffee beans online, always of top quality. We conduct rigorous quality controls to verify the taste, original aroma, behavior in the cup, and the defect percentage. We proceed with two tastings, an espresso tasting, and a Brazilian tasting. After these tastings, we move on to the storage of green or natural coffee beans. At this point, we clean the coffee, proceed to the natural roasting of the coffee bean, and finally, we hermetically seal it to preserve all its properties, with an aroma valve to retain its flavor and aroma.

ONLINE SALE OF COFFEE BEANS In our online store, you can buy the best coffee beans on the market - natural, roasted, decaffeinated, organic... compatible with your Nespresso or similar coffee machine. Undoubtedly, at Cafés Granell, we offer the best online prices for quality coffee. We have all types of coffee, whether exotic, extra strong, mild, regular, decaffeinated, etc.

HOW TO OBTAIN THE BEST COFFEE BEANS? The coffee tree produces its first harvest three years after being planted. The lifespan of a coffee plant can reach 30 years, and there are two major species: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica varieties are mainly cultivated in Central America, South America, Asia, and East Africa, while Robusta varieties are grown mainly in Africa, with some cultivation in Brazil and Asia. Almost 98% of the world's coffee comes from these two varieties. When coffee is harvested in the coffee plantation, regardless of the species, the beans must undergo a long process to reach our cups. The cherries or fruits of the coffee plant must be opened to extract the seeds or beans, removing the pulp through a wet or dry process. Once this process is completed, a clean bean is obtained, called parchment coffee, gold coffee, or honey bean, depending on the method used. Then, the parchment or protective husk of the bean is removed, leaving the bean clean and ready for roasting. This is how coffee beans are usually marketed on a large scale. The peeled and ready-to-export bean is known as green coffee.


  1. GREEN COFFEE BEANS: These are dried, raw coffee beans, without roasting. It's the raw material used by roasters and is not often commercially available. Do not confuse green coffee beans with natural coffee.

  2. ARABICA AND ROBUSTA NATURAL COFFEE BEANS: These are roasted coffee beans. It is called natural coffee to distinguish it from torrefacto coffee, a type of roasted coffee with sugar included in mixed ground coffee and hospitality coffees. The best natural coffee beans are Arabica. Coffee beans can be Arabica or Robusta. Robusta beans are smaller and rounder with more caffeine and a more intense flavor. Natural coffee beans combining the two varieties can also be found, achieving balanced coffees in intensity, body, and flavor. The roasting of coffee is an essential process to get a good cup of coffee. In fact, very different infusions can be obtained depending on the roasting level.

    • Light Roast: Produces coffee with herbal notes, pronounced acidity, and surprisingly more caffeine.
    • Medium Roast: Roasted coffee beans release oils and caramelize sugars. This results in coffee with caramel and cocoa notes and more flavor intensity. Ideal for espresso.
    • Dark Roast: Produces coffee with much less caffeine, where acidity and herbaceous nuances disappear, and bitterness increases.

BEST DECAFFEINATED COFFEE BEANS The best decaffeinated coffee beans are of the Arabica variety, as it has less caffeine than Robusta. Before roasting the green beans, they undergo a process to remove caffeine. There are three methods to extract caffeine from beans:

  1. With water: The caffeine is soluble in water, so the beans are soaked in hot water until the caffeine passes into the water. Then the beans are dried and placed in a solution of water and caffeine-free coffee extract to recover the lost flavor and components. Once dry, the beans undergo natural roasting.
  2. With chemicals: Certain compounds like activated carbon or methylene chloride dissolve caffeine without modifying the other components of the coffee bean.
  3. With pressure: The beans are subjected to a pressure of 275 bars, and CO2 is allowed to circulate through the beans, dissolving the caffeine.
What our customers say about us

Carlos Javier L.
Uno de mis favoritos

Este café con aroma a canela es un lujo, intenso y con ese olor a canela desde que abres el paquete.

Carlos Javier L.
Selección de cafés

Esta selección de cafés es muy buena y la variedad de sabores sorprende a quien los prueba en casa. El café es muy rico y el aroma que queda por la mañana es maravilloso.


Estaría bien que hubiese más sabores y poder elegirlos el propio comparador .

cesar s.

buen cafe molido, con sabor caracteristico a caramelo, sin duda algo muy diferente para degustar. muy bueno

cesar s.

lote con distinta variedad, todas con su diferente punto especial, aroma suave, todos muy buenos

cesar s.

cafe molido de gran calidad, con notas muy marcadas a canela, me gusta

Núria P.

Te un delicat sabor d avellanes que fa un plaer afegit pendre el café

Judit M.
¡Café de especialidad riquísimo!

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