961 70 14 79 AV. DEL MAR, 5. SUECA, VALENCIA hola@cafesgranell.es


In our coffee shop, you can buy coffee online from the best varieties in the market. We have for sale whole bean coffee, ground coffee, Nespresso-compatible capsules, capsules with the Granell system, tea and infusions, cup accessories, take-away cups, and barista accessories.

Online Coffee Shop

Coffee Shop

Buying quality coffee is not easy, which is why at Cafés Granell we have created the online shop for you to buy coffee online from the best varieties available. No queues, no waiting, directly from the best coffee roastery to your home. Home-delivered coffee from different origins, with various roasting levels, and a variety of flavors. Now you can brew a quality cup of coffee at home, thanks to our magnificent selection.

Buy Coffee

Online Coffee

If you want to buy coffee in our shop, you'll find that you can do so quickly and affordably. Firstly, we offer coffees from different countries around the world. We have been coffee roasters since 1940, so we will only offer you quality coffee at the best price.

What can you buy in our online coffee shop?

Buy Coffee

Whole Bean Coffee If you are a coffee lover, you surely want to buy whole bean coffee to grind it when you are going to prepare a delicious cup of coffee. The aroma it releases when ground is part of the ritual for many coffee enthusiasts.

Ground Coffee At Cafés Granell, we provide you with ground coffee while preserving all the qualities and characteristics of freshly ground coffee. The beans are ground to exact measurements and sealed with an aroma valve to preserve all their properties.

Compostable Capsules Compatible with Nespresso If you want to enjoy the best coffee in your Nespresso machine, we have adapted our coffee so you can have it at home or at work. Coffee from Brazil, Colombia, with aromas of vanilla, cinnamon, woody flavor, chocolate, etc...

Granell Capsules Teas and Infusions For tea lovers, we have for sale black tea, red tea, green tea, chamomile, and infusions to help you relax.

Enjoy the latest news in our Coffee Shop At Cafés Granell, we are always innovating, offering new flavors and novel varieties for coffee enthusiasts to enjoy. Visit our coffee shop frequently so you don't miss anything!

Barista Accessories and Complements And for coffee lovers, all kinds of accessories such as milk jugs, thermometers, wooden tampers, scales, digital barista timers, etc...".

What our customers say about us

Ana S.
Granell avellana

Me encanta su sabor

Cristina S.

El cliente no dejó ningún comentario.

Cristina S.

El cliente no dejó ningún comentario.

Alejandro B.

El cliente no dejó ningún comentario.

Marta D.

El cliente no dejó ningún comentario.

Roger U.
Buen aroma pero se queda atrás en el sabor

Yo uso cafetera italiana. Debo decir que el aorma, tanto del café molido como del producto final recuerdda completamente a la avellana, muy agradable y exótico. Aunque el sabor se queda atrás respecto a otros cafes molidos del mercado, sin ser estos últimos nada excepcional sino los que se encuentran en los lineales de supermercado de precio medio.

Esmeralda P.
Cafe suave

Aroma pronunciado a pistacho, sabor muy sutil.

Sònia B.

Funciona a la perfección, cumple su objetivo y es de los mejores que he tenido

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